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A Challenge in Researching “I Can Love You” by The Oak Ridge Boys

Unfortunately, there seems to be a discrepancy in the information available about the song “I Can Love You” by The Oak Ridge Boys.

While there is a popular song titled “Love Song” by the group, which was released in 1983 and became a number-one country hit, there appears to be limited, if any, publicly accessible information about a song specifically called “I Can Love You” by them.

It’s possible that:

  • There might be a confusion of titles. Perhaps you’re thinking of a different song or artist.
  • The song might be a deep cut or a less known track that hasn’t been widely documented online.
  • There could be a regional or limited release of the song that hasn’t been widely circulated.

Potential Next Steps

If you can provide any additional details about the song, such as:

  • When you heard it (album, concert, radio)
  • Any specific lyrics or melody you remember
  • The general time period

I can try to refine my search.

Alternatively, we could focus on the more well-known song, “Love Song,” and explore its history and impact. It’s a classic country ballad that undoubtedly has a rich story to tell.
