Released in 2020, “One Angel” is a poignant ballad by country singer-songwriter Rory Feek, featuring the iconic Dolly Parton. This deeply personal song, written by Feek himself, serves as a touching tribute to his late wife, Joey Feek, who passed away from cancer in 2016. It beautifully captures the raw emotions of grief, faith, and the enduring power of love.
The lyrics express Feek’s struggle to come to terms with his wife’s passing, questioning his faith and grappling with the overwhelming pain of loss. However, amidst the darkness, he finds solace in the belief that Joey is now an angel watching over him and their daughter, Indiana. Parton’s harmonies add another layer of warmth and compassion to the song, creating a sense of shared grief and spiritual connection.
Feek’s raw and honest vocals, coupled with Parton’s signature harmonies and the song’s melancholic melody, create a deeply moving and cathartic listening experience. It’s a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love, even in the face of unimaginable loss.
“One Angel” resonated deeply with audiences, garnering critical acclaim for its emotional honesty and its powerful message of hope. The song’s accompanying music video, featuring home videos of Joey Feek, further amplified its emotional impact, serving as a beautiful tribute to her life and legacy.
The song’s success is a testament to Feek’s ability to connect with listeners on a profound level, sharing his personal journey of grief and healing through his music. It also showcases Parton’s unwavering support for her friend and collaborator, lending her iconic voice to a song that speaks to the universal experience of loss and the enduring power of love.
“One Angel” remains a poignant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our loved ones. It offers comfort and hope to those navigating their own grief journeys, reminding us that even in the darkest of times, love can shine through and provide a sense of peace and healing.