“Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” is a timeless ballad originally written and recorded by the American girl group The Shirelles in 1960. The song, penned by the songwriting duo of Gerry Goffin and Carole King, quickly became a massive hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and establishing itself as a classic of early 1960s pop music.
The song’s enduring popularity has led to countless cover versions by various artists across different genres. One notable rendition comes from the Bee Gees, the iconic British pop group known for their distinctive harmonies and falsetto vocals. Their version, released in 1995, showcases their signature sound while paying homage to the original.
The Bee Gees’ interpretation of “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” features the group’s signature harmonies and falsetto vocals, giving the song a unique and instantly recognizable sound. Their version maintains the song’s emotional core, exploring themes of love, vulnerability, and the uncertainties of the future.
The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless message and its ability to resonate with listeners across generations. Whether it’s the original version by The Shirelles or the Bee Gees’ unique interpretation, “Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow” remains a beloved classic that continues to capture hearts and evoke strong emotions.