“Everyday” is a classic country song by The Oak Ridge Boys, originally written by Dave Loggins and J.D. Martin. Released in 1984 as the first single from their Greatest Hits 2 compilation album, it became their tenth number-one single on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart, spending a week at the top and a total of thirteen weeks on the chart.
The song’s lyrics express the enduring love and commitment between a husband and wife, emphasizing the importance of everyday moments and appreciating the simple joys of life together. It’s a heartfelt and relatable message that resonates with many couples.
The Oak Ridge Boys’ signature four-part harmonies perfectly complement the song’s theme of love and togetherness. Their voices blend seamlessly, creating a rich and powerful sound that adds depth and emotion to the lyrics. The song’s melody is also memorable and catchy, making it easy to sing along to.
“Everyday” has become a beloved country classic, and it remains a popular song today. It’s often played at weddings and other special occasions, and it continues to be a favorite among country music fans. The song’s enduring popularity is a testament to its timeless message of love, appreciation, and the importance of cherishing everyday moments with loved ones.