“With the Sun in My Eyes” is a song by the Bee Gees, released in 1968. It was featured on their album “Horizontal,” which marked a transition in their sound, incorporating more rock elements alongside their signature pop melodies.
The song is notable for its lush orchestration and baroque pop influences, which were characteristic of many pop productions of the late 1960s. The arrangement features prominent use of strings and horns, creating a rich and dramatic sonic backdrop for the Gibb brothers’ harmonies. Lyrically, “With the Sun in My Eyes” evokes a sense of longing and introspection, with imagery that suggests a search for meaning or escape.
While not as commercially successful as some of their later hits, “With the Sun in My Eyes” is considered a standout track from the “Horizontal” album and a highlight of the Bee Gees’ early period. It showcases their sophisticated approach to songwriting and arranging, and it remains a favorite among fans for its melodic beauty and evocative atmosphere. The song has also been praised for its complex vocal harmonies, a trademark of the Bee Gees’ sound.