“One Thing Right” is a heartfelt collaboration between country music star Kane Brown and electronic dance music producer Marshmello. The song was born from a unique connection between the two artists, who first met at the 2018 American Music Awards.
Brown had originally written “One Thing Right” for his sophomore album, Experiment, but it didn’t make the final cut. However, he saw an opportunity to collaborate with Marshmello and sent him the song. The producer, known for his innovative and genre-bending sound, was immediately drawn to the track’s emotional depth and raw lyrics.
Together, they crafted a unique blend of country and EDM, creating a sound that is both familiar and fresh. “One Thing Right” showcases Brown’s soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics, while Marshmello’s signature electronic production adds a dynamic and energetic layer. The result is a powerful and moving song that resonates with listeners across different musical backgrounds.