“It Always Will Be” is a poignant country ballad co-written by Willie Nelson and his longtime friend and collaborator, Paul English. The song was first released by Nelson in 2004 on his album of the same name. It quickly became a fan favorite and a staple of Nelson’s live performances.
The song’s enduring appeal lies in its simple yet profound message about the enduring power of love and memory. With its melancholic melody and Nelson’s signature gravelly vocals, “It Always Will Be” tells the story of a love that may have faded but will forever hold a special place in the narrator’s heart. The lyrics evoke a sense of nostalgia and bittersweet longing, reminding listeners that even though time passes and circumstances change, the memories and emotions associated with a cherished love remain deeply ingrained.
In 2016, Nelson paid tribute to his friend and fellow country music legend, Ray Price, with the album “For the Good Times: A Tribute to Ray Price.” As a special addition, Nelson included a version of “It Always Will Be” featuring Price himself, creating a poignant and moving duet that showcased the deep respect and admiration the two musicians shared. This collaboration added another layer of significance to the song, highlighting the enduring legacy of both Nelson and Price in the world of country music.