“Angels Among Us,” a timeless ballad by the legendary country group Alabama, has resonated with audiences worldwide since its release in 1993. Penned by Don Goodman and Becky Hobbs, the song’s poignant lyrics and uplifting message have solidified its place as a beloved anthem of hope and faith.
The song’s origins trace back to Becky Hobbs, a gifted songwriter with a deep spiritual connection. In the mid-1980s, Hobbs experienced a series of premonitions of her own passing, leaving her profoundly impacted. On her birthday in 1986, a particularly intense premonition led her to seek solace outdoors. As she stood under a maple tree, she felt a powerful presence and a renewed sense of purpose. This transformative experience inspired her to write “Angels Among Us,” a song that celebrates the divine intervention and the kindness of strangers in our lives.
Alabama, known for their heartfelt performances and rich harmonies, embraced the song wholeheartedly. The band’s rendition, featuring the Sanctuary Choir and Young Musicians Choir of the First Baptist Church of Fort Payne, Alabama, added a powerful dimension to the song’s emotional impact. The inclusion of these choirs further emphasized the song’s theme of unity and the collective power of faith.
Released as a Christmas single from their 1993 album “Cheap Seats,” “Angels Among Us” quickly climbed the charts, becoming a commercial success. The song’s enduring popularity can be attributed to its universal message of hope, compassion, and the belief in a higher power. It has touched the hearts of millions, offering solace during difficult times and inspiring acts of kindness.
Beyond its musical impact, “Angels Among Us” has also left a lasting legacy. Alabama’s lead singer, Randy Owen, has shared the story of the song’s origins and its profound influence on his life. He has performed the song at various events, including the funeral of Dale Earnhardt Sr., further solidifying its emotional resonance.
In 2014, Alabama released a live recording of “Angels Among Us” on their album “Angels Among Us: Hymns and Gospel Favorites,” showcasing the song’s enduring power and its ability to connect with audiences across generations.
“Angels Among Us” remains a testament to the enduring power of music to inspire, uplift, and bring people together. Its heartfelt lyrics and powerful message continue to resonate with listeners, reminding us of the extraordinary kindness and compassion that exists within humanity.