
“Santa Claus (I Still Believe In You)” is a heartfelt Christmas song by the American country band Alabama. Released in September 1985 as the opening track of their first holiday album, “Christmas,” the song showcases the band’s signature blend of country melodies and harmonious vocals.

The track was co-written by Alabama’s bassist and vocalist, Teddy Gentry, alongside songwriter John Jarrard. Their collaboration resulted in a poignant tune that reflects on the enduring belief in Santa Claus and the magic of the holiday season. The lyrics convey a sense of nostalgia and innocence, resonating with listeners who cherish the spirit of Christmas.

“Santa Claus (I Still Believe In You)” contributed to the success of the “Christmas” album, which was certified double platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America, signifying over two million units shipped.

The album features a mix of original songs and holiday classics, with this track standing out as a fan favorite.

Alabama’s rendition of “Santa Claus (I Still Believe In You)” has become a staple during the holiday season, appreciated for its warm instrumentation and sincere delivery. The song exemplifies the band’s ability to infuse traditional country music with festive themes, creating a timeless piece that continues to be enjoyed by audiences each year.

For those interested in experiencing the song, a live performance from a 1987 television special is available, capturing the band’s engaging stage presence and the song’s enduring appeal.

“Santa Claus (I Still Believe In You)” remains a cherished addition to Alabama’s repertoire, embodying the joy and wonder of the holiday season through its heartfelt lyrics and memorable melody.
