“Time Is Passing By” is a poignant ballad recorded by the Bee Gees in 1960, showcasing the brothers’ early vocal harmonies and songwriting prowess. Released when the Gibb brothers were still teenagers, the song offers a glimpse into their musical evolution and foreshadows the intricate vocal arrangements that would become their signature sound.
The song’s lyrics express a melancholic reflection on the fleeting nature of time and the passage of youth. With lines like “Time is passing by, leaving memories behind,” the song evokes a sense of nostalgia and a yearning for lost moments. The Bee Gees’ harmonies are particularly striking, with each brother’s voice intertwining to create a rich and textured sound.
“Time Is Passing By” was originally released as a single in Australia and later included on the compilation album Best of Bee Gees in 1973. While it may not be as well-known as some of their later hits, the song remains a significant part of the Bee Gees’ early discography and serves as a testament to their enduring talent and musicality.