“Believe” is a poignant country ballad originally recorded by the iconic duo Brooks & Dunn in 2005. Penned by Ronnie Dunn himself, alongside renowned songwriter Craig Wiseman, the song delves into themes of loss, faith, and the enduring power of hope.
At its core, “Believe” tells the story of a young boy’s friendship with an elderly man, “Old Man Wrigley,” who has suffered the devastating losses of his wife and son. Through their interactions, the boy witnesses the man’s unwavering faith and his ability to find solace in his memories. The song beautifully captures the essence of resilience and the importance of holding onto hope even in the face of immense grief.
Released as the second single from their album Hillbilly Deluxe, “Believe” quickly resonated with audiences and critics alike. Its heartfelt lyrics, combined with Ronnie Dunn’s soulful vocals, created a powerful and emotionally charged listening experience. The song’s success was further solidified by its accompanying music video, which poignantly depicted the story of the boy and Old Man Wrigley.
“Believe” garnered widespread acclaim, winning the Country Music Association’s prestigious awards for Single of the Year, Song of the Year, and Music Video of the Year in 2006. The song’s impact extended beyond the country music genre, solidifying its place as a timeless and universally relatable ballad.
In 2024, Brooks & Dunn, in collaboration with rising country star Kane Brown, re-recorded “Believe” as part of their Reboot project. This new version breathed fresh life into the classic song, introducing it to a new generation of listeners while preserving its original emotional depth. The collaboration between the seasoned veterans and the young, dynamic artist proved to be a powerful combination, resulting in a rendition that honored the song’s legacy while adding a contemporary touch.
“Believe” remains a powerful testament to the enduring power of hope and the importance of finding strength in the face of adversity. Its timeless message continues to resonate with listeners, reminding them of the importance of faith, resilience, and the enduring power of human connection.