
“Winter World of Love” is a classic ballad recorded by the British singer Engelbert Humperdinck. Released in 1976, it became a significant hit, reaching the top 10 in several countries, including the UK and the US.

The song was written by Alan Tarney and Peter Sinfield. Tarney, a renowned producer and songwriter, had previously collaborated with Humperdinck on successful hits like “After the Lovin'” and “Release Me.” Sinfield, best known for his work with the progressive rock band Pink Floyd, brought his poetic touch to the lyrics of “Winter World of Love.”

The song’s melancholic melody and poignant lyrics about a lost love resonated deeply with audiences. Humperdinck’s smooth vocals and emotive delivery further enhanced the song’s impact, solidifying its place as a timeless classic in his repertoire. “Winter World of Love” remains a beloved song, frequently featured in his live performances and continuing to enchant listeners with its enduring beauty.
