“Folsom Prison Blues” is a classic country song written by Johnny Cash and released in 1955. It tells the story of a train robber named Cole Younger, who is imprisoned in Folsom Prison. The song is written from Cole Younger’s perspective, and it details his life of crime and his current predicament. The song has been covered by many artists over the years, and it remains one of the most popular country songs of all time.
The Highwaymen’s version of “Folsom Prison Blues” was released in 1985 on their album, Highwayman. The song was a major hit for the group, and it helped to solidify their reputation as one of the most successful country music supergroups of all time. The Highwaymen’s version of the song is very faithful to the original, but it also adds a few of their own touches. For example, the group adds a spoken word intro in which they introduce themselves as “The Highwaymen.” They also change the lyrics slightly in a few places.
The Highwaymen’s version of “Folsom Prison Blues” is a classic country song that has been enjoyed by fans of all ages for many years. It is a testament to the power of music to tell stories and to connect with people on a deep emotional level.