“Everyone Gets Crazy” is a poignant ballad featured on the iconic album “The Road Goes On Forever” by The Highwaymen, a legendary country music supergroup consisting of Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson. Released in 1990, the song quickly became a fan favorite and a staple of the group’s live performances.
The song’s introspective lyrics explore the universal theme of human vulnerability and the occasional bouts of madness that everyone experiences. Each member of the group contributes a verse, sharing their personal experiences and reflections on the human condition.
Waylon Jennings kicks off the song with a heartfelt plea for understanding, acknowledging that everyone faces moments of despair and confusion. Johnny Cash follows with a verse about the loneliness and isolation that can plague even the most successful individuals. Willie Nelson’s contribution speaks to the fragility of dreams and the setbacks that life often throws our way. Kris Kristofferson concludes the song with a message of hope and resilience, assuring listeners that everyone goes through tough times but that eventually, things will get better.
The song’s powerful message is further enhanced by the soulful harmonies of The Highwaymen, each voice adding depth and emotion to the lyrics. The production is also top-notch, with acoustic guitars, pedal steel guitars, and a subtle drumbeat creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.
“Everyone Gets Crazy” remains a timeless classic, resonating with audiences of all ages and backgrounds. Its introspective lyrics, soulful melodies, and powerful message have made it a beloved song for generations to come.