
“He Won’t Ever Be Gone” is a poignant tribute to country music legend Merle Haggard, written by songwriter Gary Nicholson and recorded by Willie Nelson. The song was released in 2017 on Nelson’s album “God’s Problem Child.”

Nicholson penned the song the morning of Haggard’s passing, capturing the profound impact Haggard had on country music and the enduring legacy of his music. Nelson, a close friend and collaborator of Haggard, recognized the song’s significance and immediately sought to record it.

“He Won’t Ever Be Gone” is a heartfelt reflection on Haggard’s life and career, acknowledging his rebellious spirit, his poignant storytelling, and his unwavering authenticity. The song celebrates Haggard’s music as a timeless testament to the human condition, ensuring his presence will forever be felt in the world of country music.
